call us 855.9.sharps


How it works

Step 1

Use the special sharps assure container until it is full and ready to mail back


Step 2

Place the container into the approved plastic satchel and close it with the twist-tie provided


Step 3

Put the bag-enclosed container into the specially designed protective brown box


Step 4

Insert the brown box into the USPS approved white shipping carton


Step 5

Complete the Customer Manifest Tracking Document, insert into the plastic pouch that is affixed to the outside of the white shipping carton. Maintain the white copy for your records


• Carefully seal carton flap with the water-resistant tape provided.

• You will receive documentation verifying the destruction of your medical waste within 2-3 weeks.

training videos

Sharps Retrieval Program


Travel Pack Retrieval Program


Dental Retrieval Program
